Girls' Time... Game Time.

Like Oh [check last chapter for revamped]
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Today was the last day that Eunice was spending in Seoul with her friends before flying to Malaysia tomorrow morning. "You can't stay longer?" Jenny asked Eunice as the girls were lounging around in Vicky's apartment like they have been for the past few days. "No. Have to go to Malaysia to meet my mom and siblings first before going back to Cambodia the day after." Eunice frown. "I can't believe your parents allowed you to go to Korea alone to meet a friend you've never met." Natalie let out impressed. "Asian parents don't trust so easily." "Yeah. I beg my dad so much to allow me to come here." Eunice laughed. "I ask my mom to help me." "Well, you can tell your dad I took good care of you." Vicky added with a laugh. "Of course!"

"Is there anything else you wanna do or go for your last day?" Jenny asked. "Luckily it's Sunday and we're all free." "I know right." Natalie agreed. "Missed having days off." "You're telling me." Vicky pouted. "Worked those stupid twelve hours shifts yesterday and Friday." "That's your fault for saying yes." Natalie told her sister as Vicky groaned at the thought of it. "Don't remind me." "Um," Eunice spoke slowly, "I always wanted to go to N Seoul Tower." "Oh, I haven't gone yet, either." Jenny added. "Yeah, let's go there. I heard they have good food there." "Of course you would go for the food." Natalie laughed before looking at Eunice. "You want to go there for the 'Locks of Love' huh?"

Eunice nodded her head with a shy look. "Yeah. Read that it's something to definitely see when in Seoul." "If we go, we can do the 'Locks of Friendship' instead." Vicky laughed. "Since none of us actually have someone." Vicky then looked at them with narrowed eyes. "And don't you guys mention You-Know-Who." The girls acted like they didn't know what she meant, but gave one another knowing looks. "Alright, then let's go." Jenny announced. "It's too early." Vicky whined. "It's only three-twenty-eight." Eunice looked at Vicky weirdly. "Just go get ready." Natalie said as she stood up and kicked her sister in the leg while she passed by her to go to her room. "Lil bish." Vicky muttered he rubbed the sore spot.


"Gah, I love South Korea's weather." Vicky let out with a laugh. "Can rock shorts and a light jacket." "Yes. Much better than Malaysia and Cambodia." Eunice agreed. "Not much humidity here." "Well at least Vicky's not a tomato when she's out in the sun." Natalie remarked with a chuckle. "At least my skin tone has lightened up since living here." "Yeah, I totally agree." Jenny added as she beamed. "I guess the weather really does help out with the skin." "Anyways, what should we do first?" Vicky asked them once they reached the entrance. "They have a lot of floors and things to do on each one." Eunice shrugged. "Anything's fine with me."

"Hmm, it depends then. Do you guys wanna eat right now?" Natalie looked at all of them. "Or do you want to go do the locks?" She looked at Eunice. "Or buy stuff." She looked at Jenny. "Or probably check out the museums." Natalie asked as she read off some of the things. "It's up to you guys, realy." "I'm fine with anything." Jenny said with a shrug. "How about we eat first? So that we don't have to worry about carrying things when we eat?" Eunice suggested after looking at the things and thought about it. "Call." The girls then decided to eat first. It was just where they wanted to eat was the more difficult choice, but they opted for burgers in the end after looking at the options for food.


"Ahh, that was delicious." Eunice patted her stomach once the quartet were done eating. "Yeah, the fries were definitely on point." Vicky beamed. "The guy at the register was pretty cute, too." Jenny let out with a laugh. "Yeah, he definitely was." Natalie agreed. "He looked kind of familiar though." Vicky said with a tilt of his head. "I think he was in my class last year." "Probably too young for you." Natalie . "Before a war starts, what do you guys want to do?" Jenny intervened with a chuckle. "Do you want to do the locks now, Eunice?" "Oh yeah, we can. Unless you all want to do something else before then?" The other three shook their heads. "OK, the locks we go." Eunice beamed with a clap of her hands.

"So we just write on the lock and then lock it together, right?" Jenny asked as she held her purple padlock. "I think so." Natalie also held her own padlock and giggled. "At least I got the blue one." "Did anyone bring anything to write with?" Eunice asked holding a pink padlock. "Yeah. Here." Vicky handed out permanent markers to the others as she begin to write on her green padlock. "You just write whatever you want. Whether in Korean, English, or Chinese. Or symbols." Vicky explained. "You can treat it as a wish if you want to, too." The others nodded their head as everyone became focus on their own messages.

"Everyone ready?" Vicky asked once she finished writing. "One second!" Jenny said and then capped her marker. "OK. Done." "So we choose a spot and connect all four together, right?" Eunice asked as she begin to look for a spot. "Do we tell each other our messages?" Natalie asked to confirm. "Or we just know what we only wrote, and just let fate work it out." "Better as a mystery and we can come back to check after a while. If not, then take pictures." Vicky laughed before turning to Eunice. "You find a spot?" "Yeah. Right here. This one isn't as crowded." Eunice pointed to a spot near the end of the line. "Let's put them here."

The girls connected their locks with one another and each took a photo of it for memory with the messages and without the messages. After that, they then took a few group selcas. "OK, so where to next?" Eunice asked. "Let's just walk around and then something will pop up." Jenny suggested as the girls agreed and begin their casual walk around the tower. They watched the scenery from the observation decks, entered a few of the gift shops and bought a few items, did some more walking, went to visit the Teddy Bear Museum, and did some snacking before deciding it was time to leave Namsan Tower and do something else.


The quartet then found themselves in Myeongdong as they decided to do some more shopping, or well window shopping was more like it. "Can we go home now?" Vicky complained as the quartet left Missha and went to The Face Shop next. "We just got done with Missha. And we already went to Nature Republic and Skin Food. Do we have to go to more cosmetics stores?" "This will be the last one." Natalie told her. "You said that last time." Vicky grumbled. "Don't worry. We'll go to the Lotte Department Store afterwards." Jenny assured the older girl with a smile. "Yeah, and then we can check out Migliore! Need some more fashion accessories if possible. Hehe." Eunice giggled. "Besides, it's getting annoying hearing the staff tell us that we're too dark for the comestics." Vicky muttered for only them to hear. "Stupid warped milky skin beauty mindset."

The other girls cast her an even look. "I don't care." Natalie replied first. "They can look all they want, I don't give a shiet." "I agree." Eunice added. "Although I don't have the perfect snow white skin, I'm happy with myself." "And that's good right there." Jenny smiled at the younger girl. "As long as you're happy with yourself. That's what really matters. Especially if you have people supporting you, too." "Being open-minded helps, too." Vicky included with a smile. "Inner beauty is all that matters, plus having a good personality, too." "Yeah, yeah." The girls agreed as they went on their merry way and ignoring comments from the staff every now and then.

After spending some time in The Face Shop, they finally went to where Vicky wanted to go. It wasn't as interesting as Vicky thought so they spent a short amount of time there before heading over to the next spot that Eunice wanted to go to, too. This was a little more interesting, but super expensive so it was more browsing then buying. Once done there, the girls backtrack to other shops to purchase whatever they wanted after being sure they wanted it since Myeongdong was a bit pricey. After spending a few hours at N Seoul Tower and Myeongdong altogether the girls opted to go back home since it was already turning dark and didn't want to get stuck in traffic due to the rush hour.


The girls crashed in the living room once they finally got back to Vicky's apartment. "I'm so tired." "Me, too." "My legs hurt." "I don't think I can get up." They all let out as they continued to rest wherever they were. "I think we should do delivery." Vicky suggested. "I don't feel like going out to eat." "What do you guys want to eat tonight?" Natalie asked as she sat up. "I'll pay." "I don't know." Jenny said also sitting up. "Let's look through the menus." "Well, I'm okay with anything." Eunice told them as she also sat up. "I need to start packing so I don't have to rush in the morning." "I'll help you." Vicky offered before looking over at the other two. "You guys order the food." Then the duo went to Vicky's room to pack Eunice's things.

While they left Natalie then cast a sly look at Jenny as she Vicky's laptop. "You know who else we should call and see if they're free tonight?" "Through skype again?" Jenny wriggled her eyebrows. "Do it before she comes back and says no." Natalie just connected on to Skype soon after. "Oh, hey Vi-Natalie." Mark greeted her with a smile hoping she didn't catch that slight mistake in the beginning. "Did you really just think I was Vicky right now?" Natalie gave him a disbelief look. "Really, Mark?" "No. I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed giving her his sweetest smile. "I can totally tell the two of you apart." Natalie just narrowed her eyes at him, but let it slide.

"Fine, whatever. Hey, Mark." She greeted him as he flashed her another smile knowing he was off the hook. "So what's up?" He asked. "Well, I just wanted to know if you and the boys were free tonight?" "Why? You're gonna treat us out to the movies?" He wriggled his eyebrows at her playfully. "No. That's too much." Natalie scrunched up her face, before returning it to normal. "I was kidding, but yeah we're free tonight. We actually have some days off until schedules start back up again. So why you call?" "Okay, good. Well, tonight's Eunice's last night before she goes home tomorrow. Do you guys wanna hang?" "Sure." "Great! Drop by in like an hour or so." "Got it! Peace!" "Later!"


The girls finished their take out just as they were near the ending of Lovesick when Vicky's door buzzed. Natalie and Jenny cast one another knowing smiles as Vicky had no idea what was going on and Eunice assumed it was someone Vicky knew. Just as Vicky reached the door and was about to look through the peephole, she was greeted by a familiar voice. "Vicky open up!" Jackson called out in English as he knocked on the door. Vicky turned a sharp gaze at the two smiling girls. "Alright, who invited SAMPAT7 over?" Jenny and Natalie shot Vicky a weird look. "Sam... pat... 7? What's that?" "Sampat is a Hokkien word. It means more than crazy, something like that." Eunice explained with a laugh. "It's our inside joke about GOT7 because they are crazy." "Yeah, Cra-Dol, too." Vicky laughed and the other two girls look at Eunice again. "She made that one up. It's 'crazy' and 'idol' combined. Crazy Idols lah."

"Oh, okay." Both girls let out. "Cra-Dol and SAMPAT7 fits them." Jenny laughed. "Right?" "Yup." Natalie agreed. "But yeah, we invited SAMPAT7." "I need to hide my laptop from you guys." Vicky told them as she looked through her peephole again. "What do you guys want?" She asked in English. "Came to hang out. Duh?" Mark chirped. "Aren't you going to let us in?" "No." "Stop being mean, Vicky." Jackson said as he knocked on the door again and Vicky flinched away from the sound. Vicky was about to respond back, but was shoved out of the way by her sister. "Come in!" Natalie greeted the boys happily as she opened the door while Vicky stumbled against the wall and leaned upon it before counting to five to calm herself. "Yay!" Some of them cheered as they entered the apartment. When Natalie shut the door, she shot her sister a grin while Vicky glared at her before joining the group.

As everyone happily conversed Vicky watched with a slightly annoyed look before making her way to her room, but was stopped. "Wiki noona, aren't you going to join us?" Junior asked her in Korean. Vicky gave him the most sweetest smile she could muster up. "No, I'll be in my room instead. Call me when it's over.

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LIKE OH~ has been revamped and so check the last chapter to read about it. ^^ [170909]


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Chapter 41: I shipped Mark and Vicky bc they met each other first and I liked their interactions with each other, but it seems like it's Mark+Natalie and yes I find them cute but I can't help but be kinda sad. Although, JB and Mark and Jackson being jealous and stuff like that is really entertaining me. Can't wait to see what'll happen next! (:
noscars #2
good fic~~
Chapter 23: I like how you ended this chapter. Conflict can be great in some situations, plus I'm curious as to how the boys will fix this.
4inwoon #4
Chapter 22: Uh when is the love line between the girls and the got7 members started to get happen?!Come on!
Chapter 12: Eunice figured out the connection between the pictures Vicky drew for her and Yugyeom and the real meaning behind it, and Natalie figured out hers and Mark's pictures, but what about the others? What was Vicki really trying to show? And awwww this chapter was cute! (: From what I've read so far, I'm kinda rooting for Vicki and Mark because she seems to be closer to him than the other 6 GOT7 members but her bias is JB and Natalie's bias is Mark. Hmmmm I wonder who will end up with who in the end... Can't wait until you update! ^^
Chapter 6: Awww this story is so cute and I really like what you've written so far. Can't wait until you update! (:
Hey! Fighting for your story! Please do request again if you don't mind~ Left a comment and an up-vote for your story! :)
- ChibiAigoo (one of the designer and the owner of Falling in Love Shop)
I look forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Natalie knew!!!!!!! :O